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Facebook- a medium of good and evil deeds.

Facebook- a medium of good and evil deeds.

Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan

With the tide and rapid expansion of information communication technology, facebook has been marching on in full swing by making skyrocketing popularity to its users throughout the world including Bangladesh. At the very outset, i think i should bring to light the blessings we are getting from face book, though thousands of drawbacks in this connection will get well placed in my writes up.

Debating and argument may arise from other part why i do believe that face book is a devil root and factory of evil deeds people often do. Even though idea to drug on my pen on paper to disclose some key advantage disadvantage of face book. In fact, i strongly believe that face book contributes a lot to cut a sorry figure in the examination for the students; more particularly the school, college and University going students.

No one may deny the fact that around 95% University and college going students have been used to and addicted to browse this social media killing their quality time of education and research; destroying and kicking their future out. Who dares to answer my question whether students are legging behind their prime, first and foremost job or not? I believe there is nobody apart from those who are also fond of using face book as dogmatic users. Baseless and illogical standing against my point does not mean that it is expressed view of the majority. Virtually, every classes of people in the society are now infected like as virus with this social media.

However, in every knock and corner of the society the venom like vapour of face book is existed now a day. With the excuse of being modern and social, people primarily become addicted with the time wasting said social media keeping aside their good deeds and family. Even extra-marital relations, separation, domestic violence, divorce, moral defalcation, nudeness, unethical activities, crime doing and blackmailing, cyber crime, abduction, assorted type of crime and violence are the result of face book. Now a day, extra marital relation and divorce rate is in hiking and alarming situation for which we can blame, more particularly, the face book; though there are many reason in this connection.

Most importantly, someone may differ that mentality and intention of using face book is vital. But in fact, i want to refute it saying that human psychology, behaviour and emotion are not all the time well-controllable; where there is easy access and availability of desired things, human being mostly tends to avail these. So, the fragile logic of the counterparts are entitled to be void in this respect. Clearly, it can be said that respect to parents, responsibility to family members, concentration on education and research are mainly hampered by the faulty and immoral uses of face book. Another important drawback which may touch your heart is that school going students even cut their Tiffin money to afford internet pack for browsing face book. I am not standing against the technological booming, in fact i am in support of expanding it as soon as possible with the same pace of the developed world. Interestingly, most of the office going people start their day moving eyeballs on the face book, it is my affirm prediction.

Is it realistic and potential for us? Besides, there are some people who keep late hours by chatting through face book welcoming the chance of being sick soon. Apart from this, it is undoubtedly true that we people have forgot the definition of confidentiality. We do not stop posting our very very personal pictures, events and conversations forgetting and washing our personality to the millions of face book users.

As a professional, i have a good number of experience (s) from the victim s who came to me and sought for legal advice being abused by others through face book. Words and sentences in respect of the bad impact on the society will, certainly, get stockpiled, if i keep writing on this issue. In short, Perhaps, it would be a good addressing term of the facebook as ” the trap of crime doing”.

Everything has some good and bad feature. Facebook has some advantage which i had better put here under. Firstly, We can keep communication with our known people and unknown people around the world. Secondly, i should mention that through face book some positive message contained publicity can be done in wide range which can share our idea, view, thoughts, spirit and business through out the world. More so, sharing our view, opinion and so ; we can strengthen the sphere of knowledge on different subject matter. Though face book has more drawbacks visible to us, it has to be used in good, well-defined, lawful, beneficial and potential manner for snatching the winning crown of the best civilised nation in the world.

The writer is an Advocate of the  Supreme Court of Bangladesh and President of Lawyers’ English Debating Society (LEDS) Who can be reached at supremecourtlawyer.bd.uk@gmail.com and/or 01715819457.

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